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Explore even more details about The Adventures of Fenek series and The Diaries of Fenek series, including special features and sample books, by clicking the toggle below. Don’t miss the chance to dive deeper into these exciting adventures and discover the fun that awaits you!
The Adventures of Fenek is a beloved children’s book series with over 100 captivating titles, designed to engage preschool and early school-age children. The stories are carefully crafted to support children’s emotional and intellectual development, making them a favorite among psychologists and educators for use in bibliotherapy.
Technical Details:
Each book in the series falls under one of six essential categories:
The books are structured to encourage child engagement through interactive questions on every spread, ensuring active participation and comprehension. These questions help to keep children focused and involved in the storytelling process.
We offer free lesson plans and activity sheets that complement the books, making it easy for teachers and parents to extend the learning experience. These resources are perfect for structured learning at home or in the classroom, adding extra value to the stories.
Each book in The Adventures of Fenek series includes:
The Adventures of Fenek is more than just a book series—it’s a comprehensive tool for child development, backed by educational specialists and designed for meaningful engagement. Download free educational resources today and join Fenek’s world of learning and fun!
Right below, you’ll find a sample book that showcases the key features present in every title. It also gives a warm introduction to Fenek and his closest friends, offering a wonderful sneak peek into his exciting world. Take a look and start your adventure!
The The Diaries of Fenek series is an exciting and educational adventure collection that has already published 9 books. This includes 6 books about Poland and 3 books about other countries: the UK, Germany, and Hungary. In total, the series will feature 19 books about countries around the world, each filled with fun and learning.
Each book in the series is divided into 12 captivating chapters. In every chapter, readers discover a new town, explore local attractions, and experience exciting adventures. These stories are designed to spark a sense of wanderlust in young readers, inspiring them to one day visit the fascinating destinations they read about.
This adventure-packed series not only introduces children to different cultures, but also builds their curiosity and desire to explore the world around them. With beautiful illustrations and engaging narratives, The Diaries of Fenek is a perfect blend of fun and education, encouraging children to appreciate the joy of travel and discovery.
Technical Details:
Sample Book: Germany By Camper
Below you can read the first two chapters of Germany By Camper, one of Fenek’s many adventures in The Diaries of Fenek series. Dive into the fun and excitement as Fenek and Max explore the hidden corners of Germany!
Please note that this translation was generated with the assistance of AI and is currently under review for accuracy and consistency.
Take a closer look at a selection of our most popular titles from The Adventures of Fenek series and The Diaries of Fenek series. Each book teaches essential life skills, promotes emotional development, and engages young readers with interactive elements.
Fill in your details below to receive instant access to the free book It’s Hard to Sit Still: A Story About Hyperactive Children from The Adventures of Fenek series.
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We warmly invite you to meet with us at the Polish stand D24 in hall 4.1 during the Frankfurt Book Fair. Join us between October 16th and 20th from 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM. Choose a time that works best for you and let’s discuss how The Adventures of Fenek can bring value to your business!